
This whitepaper (Whitepaper) is drafted in general terms, and is meant for informational use only. This Whitepaper is not intended to constitute an offer to sell, or an invitation to an offer to buy and / or subscribe to any crypto asset, security or any other financial instrument or investment product. By accepting this Whitepaper, the reader represents and warrants that they understand, accept and acknowledge that the crypto asset market involves risks that should be carefully considered by any potential participant prior to taking any decision as to whether or not any potential participant should proceed with any involvement in any crypto asset. It shall be the sole responsibility of the reader to become informed of any risks that may arise in connection with this Whitepaper, any given crypto asset, crypto asset markets, as well as in the areas of blockchain and distributed ledger technology in general. This Whitepaper, in whole or in part, and any copies thereof, shall not be taken or transmitted to any country where the distribution of whitepapers is prohibited or restricted, or otherwise contrary to the law.


The Neckermann Brand in Hungary

N-U-R Neckermann Neckermann-utazás Szolgáltató Kft. (Neckermann Hungary) was founded in 1993, as a subsidiary of the Austrian N-U-R Neckermann Reisen AG (later Thomas Cook Austria AG). For 30 years, the Neckermann brand name has symbolized safety, professionalism and the most reliable travel agency in Hungary. Achieving maximum customer satisfaction and the best customer experience have been priorities from the very beginning. To this end, the company undertook numerous investments and developments over three decades under the Neckermann brand, and played an active role in the development of the Hungarian tourism market. At the beginning of 2019, Neckermann travel offers were available to the Hungarian traveling public in 21 offices, nearly 400 partner offices and through online sales platforms, throughout the country. In 2020, in anticipation of the long-lasting consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company which had been using the Neckermann brand name for three decades ceased its tour operator / travel agency activities.

The Neckermann Brand Worldwide

The Neckermann brand name was also a dominant force internationally, until the bankruptcy of the parent company, Thomas Cook GmbH and Thomas Cook Austria AG, in 2019. In 2022, the Turkish-owned Anex Group, which owns the Neckermann brand name outside Hungary, started to revive the brand, after buying it out of liquidation for nearly 8 million EUR.

In spite of the transaction, Neckermann Hungary has made its position clear to the Anex Group, affirming that it considers the Neckermann brand name its own in the Hungarian tourism market, in view of the fact that it has been using the name for 30 years and the prominent market position that has enabled Neckermann Hungary to survive even the collapse of Thomas Cook GmbH and Thomas Cook Austria AG in 2019.

About us

After the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear to Neckermann Hungary that the business approach that had been viable for decades and made the brand the global market leader was no longer sustainable. Thus, the role of classic tour operators / travel agencies would be highly questionable in the future. Having recognized this, in 2020, Neckermann Hungary decided to discontinue its travel agency / tour operator activities, and to cede the rights to use the Neckermann brand to a new generation of entrepreneurs, the NCK Team, who will take it to historic heights, by combining it with blockchain technology.

NCK was created by the NCK Team, blockchain specialists, tourism and aviation experts with international experience, IT developers and economists, building on a 30-year-old brand. Innovative thinking, bold innovation, commitment to investors, air passengers and safe air transport are common values behind the NCK.

Following the release of the NCK, the NCK Team's mission is to maximize the passenger experience at airports, to combat terrorism and illegal migration and to capitalize on business opportunities in renewable energy.

Innovative investment in aviation

NCK is not only a cryptocurrency with significant potential on the Hungarian and international decentralized exchanges, but also the key to further investment opportunities that could revolutionize the aviation industry.

Blockchain technology in the service of passengers and the aviation industry

The Project 1 app, incubated by the NCK Team, offers passengers and airlines a new social platform and innovative travel solutions, adapting to changing consumer habits and needs in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The main project objective is to give air passengers the choice of who or what type of passenger they want to sit next to during their flight. The NCK Team’s other flagship is the Project 2 app, which supports the work of ground handling companies, and is an effective solution for organizations performing airport security screening and the various authorities. The main mission of the project is to provide continuous tracking and traceability of air passenger movements and to modernize ground handling processes.

Security and passenger experience are critical

NCK investors can be part of a powerful business success story with huge potential that is based on the takeover of blockchain technology in the aviation industry.

The countervalue of the NCK is transparently and verifiably transferred to the development, promotion, marketing and reserve fund of NCK Team projects, thus ensuring the continuity of the developments and the market launch of the completed applications.

NCK investors will initially finance the development itself through the purchase of tokens, and will then be able to make exclusive investments in Project 1 and Project 2 from NCK, before these enter the market.

The mission of the Project 1 application:

  • A new social platform for air passengers
  • Offers the possibility to choose the right flight companion, even before booking your flight
  • Creates a new generation air passenger community, bringing new business opportunities to life
  • Provides a community chat option for people traveling on the same flight
  • Offers the possibility to purchase extra services available on the airline’s flights
  • Enables flight tracking

The mission of the Project 2 application:

  • Supports the work of airlines, airport authorities and ground handling companies
    • Speeds up the boarding process
    • Enhances operational security
    • Full compliance with authority requirements
    • Maximization of the passenger experience at airports
  • Supports the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic
    • The checking of vaccinations against COVID-19
  • An efficient solution for organizations performing airport security screening and the authorities
    • Departair significantly improves aviation security
    • Filters out wanted and sought passengers, even within the Schengen zone
    • Monitoring function
    • The subsequent analysis of air passenger movements

Innovation combined with strategic thinking

The NCK Team puts a high-level technological background and innovative thinking behind those areas of the aviation industry that have not been able to keep up with changes in the sector, as well as consumer, airline or aviation security needs that have emerged over the last decade and a half, with the rise of the low-cost carrier model, the COVID-19 pandemic, terrorism, illegal migration or even the geopolitical situation we are experiencing today.

These are the problems that the NCK Team is seeking to address, by developing the Project 1 and Project 2 applications. One of the keys to the success of these revolutionary platforms is connecting the investor community.

Be the first investor in a new era of aviation

NCK rides the wave of the blockchain revolution, providing investors with an entry point to a closed and profitable world. Aviation is growing internationally, and its potential is demonstrated by the fact that it has been one of the fastest recovering sectors after the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, the aviation industry can no longer operate on business as usual. The NCK Team is therefore committed to business, technological and philosophical innovation, as a guarantee of the long-term sustainability of NCK and the profitability of future NCK investments.

Speed is of the essence, time is money!

As the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic wind down, in the current geopolitical situation, the time factor becomes critical. Those who lag behind miss out, those who move in time reap the benefits!

Aviation and blockchain technology can become a powerful combination, building a traveling community, maximizing the passenger experience at airports and supporting the ground handling of aircraft. This technological revolution will provide a significant competitive advantage for the businesses that adopt it, as handling air passengers with traditional technology has become an almost insurmountable challenge for the industry, with the current labor shortages. As the chaos at many airports in the world demonstrates, aviation can no longer function seamlessly without a technological revolution. This is why the NCK Team’s developments represent a significant value proposition for market players.

Blockchain technology makes the ecosystem safer and more transparent, as responsibility is shared across the entire network. The rapid adoption of blockchain technology is critical, as consumer habits are changing at an ever faster pace. The new ecosystem needs to continuously respond to these challenges.

The Role of Hungarian Vizsla Inu (HVI TEAM)

The HVI Team is responsible for the implementation of developments on blockchain and for the technical implementation of applications and actual use-cases. The HVI Team consists of Hungary’s best and most recognized blockchain experts and ethical hackers, who continuously support the NCK project with tourism and aviation experts.

They are linked to developments such as the completely unique NFT market, which does not exist anywhere else in the world. The #metaverse under development is the construction of a completely walkable own shelter, which is accessible through NFT-based play to earn (P2E) games. Also, the development of a decentralized exchange called VizslaSwap. NCK is also represented here as a partner with exclusive availability.

Problem, Mission, Solution

Over the past two decades, aviation has undergone a revolutionary change, with the entire industry, including all players, completely transformed. The attack on the Twin Towers in 2001 was the first major milestone, followed by the rise of the low-cost carriers and finally the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course, we should not forget the rise of the internet and e-commerce, which has also brought massive changes to the industry.

11 September

The unprecedented terrorist attack by Al-Qaeda hit aviation hard, bankrupting or dangerously weakening many airlines. Following the death of 3000 innocent people, airport security systems and screening protocols had to be overhauled, aircraft had to be reconfigured and airlines had to develop new procedures to ensure that similar incidents never happen again.

Internet and E-commerce

With the rise of the internet and online airline bookings, paper-based airline tickets were the first to disappear, and then travel agencies selling airline tickets closed down. Then airlines started to close their offices and liquidate their airport branch offices.

The Rise of the Low-cost Carriers

The early 2000s saw the rise of the low-cost carriers, which promoted the principle that “flying is for everyone”. In the low-cost business model, profit maximization is the main concern, on a par with aviation safety, but passenger convenience or even service quality are low on the list of priorities. The low-cost carrier business model has proven to be successful, with incredible profits and passenger numbers reported year after year, a steadily expanding route network and more and more base airports opening.

In contrast, full service carriers continued to weaken, with many of them going bankrupt or nearing bankruptcy. The ownership structure of these operators typically involves partial or full state ownership, and, as we know all too well, the state is often a bad manager. In the past, state owners have sought to maintain loss-making operations by pouring billions of euros into quasi-national carriers, ignoring the fact that there is little chance of a return. Later, this was only possible to a limited extent, with the EU imposing strict conditions on intervention.

The market position of full service carriers was further complicated by the fact that in many cases, their management lacked expertise, and they were therefore unable to develop appropriate business strategies. And if they were able to do something, restructuring processes were typically blocked by trade unions, or were thwarted by other obstacles.

By the end of 2019, the low-cost carriers were super-dominant, while the majority of full service carriers were struggling to survive. It seemed that the airline industry had been checkmated by the low-cost carriers, but in early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic exploded, suddenly forcing all participants into the “paddock”.

The COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic grounded all market players, and presented them with challenges they had never faced before. The low-cost carriers saw their hard-earned market advantage suddenly wiped out, some of them were able to finance the burdens of the pandemic with the profits they had made, while others disappeared from the market. The full service carriers were once again able to receive aid from the state owners, as the European Union authorized intervention in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, with conditions. In addition, the pandemic provided a good opportunity for them to review their operational mechanisms and carry out comprehensive restructuring.

The state, as owner, obviously specified strict demands towards national airlines in return for the aid, as it had a legitimate expectation of a return on the funds invested. However, to make a return on the investment, it is indispensable that airline management should be capable of implementing the restructuring, both professionally and legally, and, secondly, the governments involved in the investment should be able to protect the market with much stronger regulations than had been the case previously. The commercial practices of the low-cost carriers must be reviewed immediately, targeted legislation must be introduced to curb the dumping of airline tickets, and their business partners, especially ground handling companies, must be protected.

It is becoming clear that the interests of passengers must be reinstated at the heart of the airline industry, in order to ensure that their business model remains sustainable in the long term. In the face of all new challenges, operators need to focus on value creation, new revenue and business opportunities.


The Lack of an Appropriate Passenger Experience at the Airport

The changes in the aviation industry have seriously compromised passenger service considerations, significantly reducing the airport passenger experience. One of the reasons for this is that in the low-cost business model, profit maximization is the main concern, on a par with aviation safety, but passenger convenience and even service quality are low on the list of priorities. In the case of the low-cost carriers in particular, passengers are only a consideration until they provide their credit card details and the price of the booking is successfully charged. After that, they effectively receive a sophisticated service package, precisely what they paid for, and certainly no more.

If passengers require further assistance after booking, they have to call customer service centers, often at premium rates, which are difficult, or in many cases impossible to reach. During the handling process at the airport, passengers are faced with underpaid and overworked staff who are often unable to cope with the situation, for example, in the event of significant flight delays or cancelations.

The Ruin of the Ground Handling Companies

As passenger convenience is compromised and the airport passenger experience disappears, ground handling companies providing passenger and ramp services also face serious challenges. Despite being major players in the industry, ground handlers are becoming increasingly vulnerable. This is because airlines are forcing their partners into contractual frameworks that leave most ground handlers unable to pay their staff, modernize outdated equipment or make innovative developments.

It is the ground handling companies that have been least able to keep pace with changes in the industry, not just due to the financial reasons outlined above, but also because of a complete lack of innovation. This is a problem particularly because passenger handling processes in ground handling need to be speeded up, and it should be possible to sell on-board services and extra services available at the given airport for the flights handled. In the current, outdated operating model, there is little or no possibility to do this.


Be Part of the New Industry

The NCK Team’s mission is to develop targeted applications for those areas of aviation that have been compromised or unable to keep up with changes in the industry over the last two decades, to address the problems that have arisen and help players that have been left behind to catch up. The NCK Team’s developments will create new business opportunities for the participants of the ecosystem in the long term, also meeting the needs of passengers and the profit expectations of investors.

First, we want to reinstate the airport passenger experience in aviation, maximize it and connect air travelers into a community, both globally and on a flight-by-flight basis.

At the same time, we want to provide ground handling companies with an innovative solution to significantly speed up the handling of a given flight, maximize the airport passenger experience and revenues from the sale of the various extra services.

The blockchain revolution in the aviation industry is itself one intriguing journey: the NCK is an entry into this fantastic and profitable world. This world is getting bigger and bigger internationally, and in this ecosystem, the NCK is a pioneer. The NCK is entering this world thanks to the technological expertise of the HVI Team.

Trust is Value!

Neckermann is one of the most reliable brands in the international travel market. The innovators behind NCK know well that in the aviation industry, nothing works along the lines of business as usual, already now. They are committed to financial, technological and philosophical renewal - this is the long term secret of sustainable profit.

Create Your Own Ecosystem

The owners of the NCK can be part of this fantastic process and its enormous potential in business, which is blockchain technology and its takeover in the aviation industry.

Innovation and Tradition

NCK is an innovative international business that spans generations. These days, more and more decade-old companies are working together in the new crypto world and with its generational geniuses. In this cooperation, the innovative approach and commitment towards investors and travelers is the common point. The NCK features HVI, who also take a decisive step into international waters.


Blockchain Technology in the Service of Passengers and the Aviation Industry

The Project 1 app, incubated by the NCK Team, offers passengers and airlines a new social platform and innovative travel solutions, adapting to changing consumer habits and needs in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The main project goal is to give air passengers the choice of who or what type of passenger they want to sit next to during their flight.

The NCK Team’s other flagship is the Project 2 app, which supports the work of ground handling companies, and is an effective solution for organizations performing airport security screening and the various authorities. The main mission of the project is to provide continuous tracking and traceability of air passenger movements and to modernize ground handling processes.

The mission of the Project 1 application:

  • A new social platform for air passengers
  • Offers the possibility to choose the right flight companion, even before booking your flight
  • Creates a new generation air passenger community, bringing new business opportunities to life
  • Provides a community chat option for people traveling on the same flight
  • Offers the possibility to purchase extra services available on the airline’s flights
  • Enables flight tracking

The mission of the Project 2 application:

  • Supports the work of airlines, airport authorities and ground handling companies
    • Speeds up the boarding process
    • Enhances operational security
    • Full compliance with authority requirements
    • Maximization of the passenger experience at airports
  • Supports the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic
    • The checking of vaccinations against COVID-19
  • An efficient solution for organizations performing airport security screening and the authorities
    • Departair significantly improves aviation security
    • Filters out wanted and sought passengers, even within the Schengen zone
    • Monitoring function
    • The subsequent analysis of air passenger movements

Innovation combined with strategic thinking

The NCK Team puts a high-level technological background and innovative thinking behind those areas of the aviation industry that have not been able to keep up with changes in the sector, as well as consumer, airline or aviation security needs that have emerged over the last decade and a half, with the rise of the low-cost carrier model, the COVID-19 pandemic, terrorism, illegal migration or even the geopolitical situation we are experiencing today.

These are the problems that the NCK Team is seeking to address, by developing the Project 1 and Project 2 applications. One of the keys to the success of these revolutionary platforms is connecting the investor community.

Platform Background


What are blockchains?

Blockchains are decentralized, distributed and public digital ledgers that record transactions across many computers. By design, blockchain is resistant to modification of the data. It can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way. Any involved record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks. Each blockchain is an ever growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked using cryptography.

A System that is Secure by Design

For use as a distributed ledger, a public blockchain is typically managed by a peer-to-peer (P2P) network of computers around the world, where the computers of private and corporate owners are situated in different parts of the world and the computer owners do not know each other. These computers collectively adhere to a public blockchain protocol for inter-node communication and for validating new blocks. The computers run the system without any central server or without any central authority. Once recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered or backdated without altering all subsequent blocks.

The First Practical Use: Cryptocurrencies

Since its invention in 2008, blockchain serves as the public transaction ledger of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC). BTC used to be the first digital currency to solve the double-spending problem without any need for a trusted authority or central server. BTC design has inspired other applications and blockchains. These are readable by the public and they are widely used by other cryptocurrencies. Blockchain, therefore, is considered a type of payment rail.

Public Blockchains

Public blockchains have absolutely no access restrictions. Anyone with an internet connection can send transactions to it and anyone can become a validator (i.e. participate in the execution of a consensus protocol). Public blockchains usually offer economic incentives for those who run the blockchain on their own computers. These users usually utilize some type of the outdated proof-of-work algorithm. Some of the largest, most known public blockchains are the BTC blockchain and the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain.

Private Blockchains

Private blockchains are subject to permission. One cannot join it unless invited by the network administrators. Participant and validator access are restricted for users within a company or a network of businesses and its associates. Private blockchains are middle-ground for companies that are interested in the safety of blockchain technology and improving their business processes by implementing secure and validated solutions offered by a blockchain.

How Will Blockchain Technology Revolutionize the Aviation Industry?

Today, more and more people are getting involved in cryptocurrency. Many of today’s cryptocurrency projects are basing themselves on utility tokens that operate as loyalty points on the platform, with a few differences. On the contrary, NCK investors can be part of a powerful business success story with huge potential that is based on the takeover of blockchain technology in the aviation industry.

The countervalue of the NCK is transparently and verifiably transferred to the development, promotion, marketing and reserve fund of NCK Team projects, thus ensuring the continuity of the developments and the market launch of the completed applications.

NCK investors will initially finance the development itself through the purchase of tokens and will then be able to make exclusive investments in Project 1 and Project 2 from NCK, before these enter the market.

It is important to highlight that for NCK holders, owning NCK is in itself an excellent business opportunity, as the price of the token will continue to strengthen, as NCK is needed to invest in new projects, which will generate demand for the token. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in the NCK price.

General Architecture

Network Layer

Blockchains use a P2P network, which enables groups of independent devices, called nodes, to interconnect and share data with each other - without any centralized servers. The networking layer is where the rules set up on the protocol layer are actually implemented.

Database Layer

The database layer contains the databases of all the transactions: blocks, timestamps, metadata and hash. The platform utilizes a memory-mapped key value store for the data present on blockchains.

Crypto (Security) Layer

This layer enables secure communication over an unsecure medium. According to Kerckhoffs’s principle, any blockchain should be secure, even if everything about the system, except the key, is public knowledge. Thus, the key is the only asset in cryptography that must be kept secret and protected from intruder attacks.


Technical Details

Name: Neckermann Token
Ticker: NCK
Website: www.neckermanntoken.com
Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
Supply: 100.000.000
Proof of stake coin
Smart contract number:



This layer enables secure communication over an unsecure medium. According to Kerckhoffs’s principle, any blockchain should be secure, even if everything about the system, except the key, is public knowledge. Thus, the key is the only asset in cryptography that must be kept secret and protected from intruder attacks.

  • 25% NCK Team
  • 25% Presale
  • 10% NCK Development
  • 10% Promotions
  • 10% NCK Marketing
  • 10% NCK Reserve
  • 5% DEX Liquidity
  • 5% CEX Liquidity

10% cost is deducted in total after each transaction

The Cost is divided up as follows:

  • 4% transaction fee (2% NCK Development, 2% NCK Marketing)
  • 3% Holder Bonus
  • 3% automatic DEX Liquidity contribution

Holder Bonus

$HVI tokens are credited after each transaction involving the bsc network.

Liquidity Pool Algorithm

The NCK reward token that is credited in $HVI, an automatic liquidity pool algorithm, forms part of the core logic of the NCK contract. 3% of all buying and selling accumulates, and is added to the PancakeSwap swap liquidity pool. One of the basic aims is to reduce the price effect, when larger wallets decide to sell our token. Theoretically, the use of this algorithm helps reduce large price fluctuations, which are observable in the case of other tokens as well. In short, the tokens added to the liquidity pool create BNB stability and a higher price level, whilst also ensuring that there should be sufficient coverage behind holders’ investments. The liquidity pool is locked for 5 years.

What is Liquidity Locked?

A liquidity pool is a crowd-sourced pool of cryptocurrencies or tokens locked in a smart contract that is used to facilitate trades between the assets on a decentralized exchange (DEX).

What are Liquidity Pools?

A liquidity pool is a crowd-sourced pool of cryptocurrencies or tokens locked in a smart contract that is used to facilitate trades between the assets on a DEX. Instead of traditional markets of buyers and sellers, many decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms use automated market makers (AMMs), which allow digital assets to be traded in an automatic and permissionless manner, through the use of liquidity pools.

The Role of Crypto Liquidity Pools

Crypto liquidity pools play an essential role in the DeFi ecosystem — in particular when it comes to DEXs. Liquidity pools are a mechanism by which users can pool their assets in a DEX’s smart contracts, to provide asset liquidity for traders to swap between currencies. Liquidity pools provide much-needed liquidity, speed, and convenience to the DeFi ecosystem. Before AMMs came into play, crypto market liquidity was a challenge for DEXs on Ethereum. At that time, DEXs were a new technology with a complicated interface and the number of buyers and sellers was small, so it was difficult to find enough people willing to trade on a regular basis. AMMs fix this problem of limited liquidity by creating liquidity pools and offering liquidity providers the incentive to supply these pools with assets, all without the need for third-party middlemen. The more assets in a pool and the more liquidity the pool has, the easier trading becomes on decentralized exchanges.

How Do Crypto Liquidity Pools Work?

An operational crypto liquidity pool must be designed in a way that incentivizes crypto liquidity providers to stake their assets in a pool. That is why most liquidity providers earn trading fees and crypto rewards from the exchanges upon which they pool tokens. When a user supplies a pool with liquidity, the provider is often rewarded with liquidity provider tokens (LP). LP can be valuable assets in their own right, and can be used throughout the DeFi ecosystem in various capacities. Usually, a crypto liquidity provider receives LP in proportion to the amount of liquidity they have supplied to the pool. When a pool facilitates a trade, a fractional fee is proportionally distributed amongst the LP holders. For the liquidity provider to get back the liquidity they contributed (in addition to accrued fees from their portion), their LP must be destroyed. Liquidity pools maintain fair market values for the tokens they hold thanks to AMM algorithms, which maintain the price of tokens relative to one another within any particular pool. Liquidity pools in different protocols may use algorithms that differ slightly. For example, Uniswap liquidity pools use a constant product formula to maintain price ratios, and many DEX platforms utilize a similar model. This algorithm helps ensure that a pool consistently provides crypto market liquidity by managing the cost and ratio of the corresponding tokens as the demanded quantity increases.

Smart Contracts

What Are Smart Contracts?

Like traditional contracts, smart contracts are agreements between two or more parties, where one party offers something of value to another and the offer is accepted. The difference is that a smart contract is a self-executing code that carries out the terms of the agreement. This code is sent to an address on a blockchain as a transaction, where it is verified by that blockchain’s consensus mechanism. Once this transaction is included in a block, the smart contract is initiated and irreversible. Smart contracts remove the need for intermediaries and contract enforcement. This greatly reduces cost and simplifies the contract negotiation process. With a smart contract, the code defines the mechanisms of the transaction and is the final arbiter of the terms. The immutability and irrevocability of the code in smart contracts is a strength, but it comes with drawbacks. For example, if there is a bug in the code, there is no way to invalidate or change the smart contract. Smart contracts are trustless, autonomous, decentralized and transparent. They are also irreversible and unmodifiable, once deployed. This functionality has been utilized to make smart contracts the building blocks of hundreds of decentralized applications (dApps) and a major focal point of blockchain development in general.

Smart Contract Use Cases

A solitary smart contract can only be used for one transaction type; if a specific process occurs, it is followed by another, related process. However, most dApps work by bundling smart contracts together to enable sophisticated functionality. There are thousands of dApps across the various blockchain networks, ranging from finance to gaming, exchanges, and media — and they all utilize smart contracts in different ways. In the DeFi sector, smart contracts allow for interest on deposits and loans and trading and investing, typically only available through traditional financial services organizations. Further, smart contracts can be set up for trading, inventory tracking, prediction markets and betting, digital identity, legal contracts, online auctions, automated mortgages and an ever-growing number of use cases.

Smart Contracts and Dapps are Here to Stay

While smart contract technology is iterative, it has already shown immense utility throughout multiple phases of blockchain, and continues to develop at a rapid pace. The trustless enforcement of contractual obligations executed over the blockchain may very well be commonplace in the near future. The notion that paperwork and intermediaries are essential may soon be a thing of the past in nearly every industry, from real estate and finance to healthcare and hospitality.

Legal Disclaimer

This Whitepaper has been prepared for the purposes of providing information on the NCK, its projected business model, and is solely for informational purposes, and is expressly not an offering of a financial investment. A purchase of NCK involves certain risks, including the risk factors relating to the purchase of any tokens, financial, tax and technical risks. Each reader of the documentation provided by NCK Team needs to make an independent assessment of the potential value of the content, in order to determine whether to participate in any token sale. Risks associated with new technology and cryptocurrency tokens in general are a relatively new and untested technology. Due to this nature, technology-related unforeseen events may occur at any time. Participants comprehend and fully accept all types of related risks involved.


Any information contained in this Whitepaper may be updated or modified at any time by the NCK Team. Therefore, its completeness and factual accuracy is not guaranteed, and this information may change from time to time without notice. The NCK Team does not undertake and is not obliged to provide readers with notice of any changes to the information herein.

Limitation of Liability

While the NCK Team has endeavored to ensure that the information contained in this Whitepaper is accurate as at the time of publication, neither the NCK Team, nor any of its officers, directors, employees, advisors, partners, or agents (Representatives) make any representation or warranty, express or implied, or accept or will accept any responsibility or liability in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this Whitepaper, or any other written or oral information made available to any party. For greater certainty, the NCK Team and its Representatives expressly disclaim any and all responsibility for any direct or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from: (i) reliance on any information contained in this Whitepaper; (ii) any error, omission or inaccuracy in any such information; or (iii) any action resulting from such information.

Risks Statement, Representations and Warranties

No representation or warranty is given as to the achievement or reasonableness of any future projections, estimates, prospects or returns contained in this Whitepaper. Readers should not construe the content of this Whitepaper, or any other communications by or on behalf of the NCK Team or any of its Representatives. Accordingly, each reader of this Whitepaper should consult their own professional advisors as to financial, legal, tax and other matters concerning any potential participation in connection with the subject matter herein. Risks associated with regulation crowdsales and cryptocurrencies are to some extent currently unregulated. Regulatory authorities are carefully scrutinizing businesses and operations associated to cryptocurrencies in the world. Any person undertaking to acquire NCK must be aware that the NCK business model may change or need to be modified because of new regulatory and compliance requirements from any applicable laws in any jurisdictions. In such case, purchasers and any person undertaking to acquire NCK acknowledge and understand that neither the NCK Team, nor any of its affiliates shall be held liable for any direct or indirect loss or damages caused by such changes. Neither the NCK Team, nor its employees or collaborators assume any liability or responsibility for any loss or damage that would result from or relate to the incapacity to use the NCK, except in case of intentional misconduct or gross negligence.

Participation in the Token Sale

By participating in the token sale, the purchasers represent and warrant that they understand the above legal notice and disclaimers, and that they:

  • Are authorized and have full power to purchase NCK according to the laws that apply in their jurisdiction of domicile;
  • Are not a U.S. citizen, resident or entity, nor are they purchasing or signing on behalf of a U.S. person;
  • Live in a jurisdiction which allows the NCK Team to sell the NCK through a crowdsale without requiring any local authorization;
  • Are not acting for the purpose of speculative investment;
  • Will not use the NCK for any illegal activity, including but not limited to money laundering and the financing of terrorism;
  • Understand that the NCK Team  is not responsible for any fiscal obligations of the purchaser related to the acquisition of NCK (whether VAT, income-related or other) and the purchaser is solely responsible to determine what, if any, fiscal obligations (taxes) apply to any transaction you perform while purchasing NCK.

Participation in the Token Sale

  • Understand that the purchase of NCK tokens is non-refundable.
  • Are solely responsible for determining whether the acquisition of NCK is appropriate for them. Investing into the Tokens involves risks.

While every care has been taken to ensure that this Whitepaper presents a fair and complete overview of the risks related to the NCK Team, the operations of the NCK Team and to the NCK, the value of any investment in the NCK may be adversely affected by circumstances that are either not evident at the date hereof or not reflected in this Whitepaper. This Whitepaper is prepared solely for the purposes of the offering. This Whitepaper may not be used for any other purpose than for making the decision of participating in the offering or investing into the NCK.


Images used in the Whitepaper are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to all relevant international copyright and trademark laws and restrictions. Accordingly, this Whitepaper or any of its images, copy and material may not be reproduced without the prior, express written approval of the NCK Team.